Definition of Imagery
Definition of Imagery
During the presentation of the School of Imagery to our English speaking colleagues and friends, we face an issue where «Imagery» was mixed up with «Imaginary» and was usually related to imagination and an imaginary world. So, we would like to clarify this, presenting our vision and definition of the word «Imagery»
According to the most known dictionaries (Oxford, Cambridge and others) the word «Imagery» has the following definitions:
In Literature, films, visual art and paintings:
- Imagery is language used by poets, novelists and other writers to create images in the mind of the reader. Imagery includes visually descriptive, figurative and metaphorical language to improve the readers experience through their senses
- the use of words or pictures in books, films, paintings, etc. to describe ideas or situations
- the use of pictures or words to create images, esp. to create an impression or mood
- Imagery can be found in descriptive songs and colorful plays
In the acting School of Imagery we define the word “Imagery” as the language of creativity, a format of creation in any kind of the art and life. The integral, harmonious, impressive creations we define as Imagery.
We deeply believe that the true Art in general and the theatrical art in particular, speaks to us in the language of Images. During our investigations we noticed that in the scientific and linguistic environment, the concept of “Image” does not have a single definition. Different sources generally define the concept of “Image” ambiguously:
- Appearance of someone, something.
- Likeness, copy of someone, something.
- Form reproduced in consciousness, memory or created by imagination.
- An internal reflection of an external object reproduced in the mind (philosophy).
- Concrete-sensual form of reality reflection, as the inner feeling of a person, the experience of an observer, a witness (art in general).
- Type, generalized character (literature).
- Character (acting).
- The result of displaying a prototype (mathematics, computer science).
- Icon, Face (Christianity).
In the School of Imagery we define the concept of «Image» mono-semantic – as such a combination of external form with its inherent content, which in its integrity making an impression.
The combination of an idea and its embodied implementation, or, lets say, a material code filled with the appropriate meaning, is the key to our impression. Our impression is the most reliable criteria for the presence of an «Image» in the field of our observation.
The form of an «Image» can be: cosmic, natural, mineral, organic, artistic. It can be an idea manifested in a poetic text, an embodied literature idea; an emotion realized in matter whether it is an artistic canvas, sculpture or an architectural work; as well as the musical composition that is full of feelings. Every cloud in the sky, a whirlwind of sand carries its own idea, which can be available for our understanding; the dance of bees in a beehive, the running of ants around an anthill, or the aerobatics of a flock of starlings, the gaze of a horse, the dance «pas» of a ballerina; a full of magic pause in an actor’s monologue. We are especially impressed by the individual, personal manifestation.
Non-formatted (formless) matter with an uncertain content does not make an impression and is only capable to influence the observer in a certain way. This influence is not an impression in the full sense. It can only generate restlessness and emotional agitation.
An impression is an imprint of an Image in our perception – an indescribable emotional, meaningful, sensual message that breaks into our soul, changing and renewing it. Here we are talking not about mental interpretations, but about the fact that, the presence of an Impression enables «reading» of the Image and inevitably triggers the “mechanism” of developing an attitude towards the Image.
Processing the impressions, developing an attitude towards the image that impressed is the spiritual work inherent only to a human. A worked out, conscious impression is a source of inspiration and passion for the generation of one’s own creative idea. The attitude towards the image that impressed, arises together with the birth of anticipation and the idea of a new creation.
A particular understanding and feeling of the impression from an image and attitude towards it is a unique human ability, a sign of a mature creative personality.
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